Monday, August 3, 2009

Funny Finny

Finn has learned to read, and largely it has made things easier for him to understand. He will often read something and comment "Oh, so its The Home Depot. I thought it was just Home Depot." But Finn is still Finn and he sees the world through a Funny Finny filter that is hysterical sometimes. Here are a few recent examples.

While shopping at the grocery store Finn was sitting in the tiny baby seat - hilarious on it's own since he is not a tiny baby - He wanted to get his favorite cheese dip for our game party so I picked it up and handed it to him. He read the label and said, "Oh Good. No Germs - Trains Fat." WHAT? He repeated himself and added, "this stuff has no germs and it trains your fat."

"Trains my fat????" I asked. "Could it train it to act like size 2 fat?"

Sadly the answer was no, but he assured me that I was not fat. Are these boys going to make great husbands someday or what?

Next...Today we bought school supplies for Finn and Porter. When we got home the boys were organizing their stuff (are glue sticks and pencils this exciting for all kids or are mine totally freaks?) into back packs. Finn picked up his glue and read the label. "This stuff is washable, but you can't run with it." WHAT? "No, mom it says right here. No Run. You can't run with this glue."

I think that's right buddy. Definetely don't run with it. I wish I could be in the classroom the day Finn tries to inforce that rule. You know he will!

I hope Finn never loses his Finniness. It makes him so much fun to be around. Also I hope that he will always have friends who appreciate it as much as his mommy and brother Porter do. Also, I love the little look that Porter and I exchange when Finn does this kind of stuff.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

And I am so totally glad that you share his Finniness because it makes my day! He is freakin' hilarious!