Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You Can't Stab Anyone's Eyes Out With A Snuggle Animal

Tonight while laying with Finn he started talking about a friend of his who sometimes gets in trouble. He told me (with shock and outrage,) that the friend once brought a rock to the carpet time. (This is where the whole class sits really close together on a giant alphabet carpet, and reads stories etc.) I reminded him, in an attempt to restore some humility, that he once got in trouble for bringing a snuggle animal to the carpet time. He covered his eyes. Oh the shame of being in trouble. And then perked right back up to tell me that bringing a rock was much worser than bringing a snuggle animal. I asked why, and he told me that the rock was sharp and could be used to stab someones eyes out. But A SNUGGLE ANIMAL CAN'T STAB ANYONE'S EYES OUT! This last line said with much emphasis as if punctuated with a big fat DUH MOM!

So there you go. One more tidbit of wisdom from Finn McPherson. I can't imagine what has happened in Finn's life that he is measuring every object by its ability to stab someones eyes out. Yikes. Next weeks family home evening will be on Thou Shalt Not Stab Anyone's Eyes Out.

1 comment:

Springer Family said...

Your kids make me laugh, what characters they are. How fun! I found your blog off Jill's. This is Jess Hardman Springer. You have a beautiful family.