Friday, May 15, 2009

More From "The Finninator" (self titled - as in "Who wants to play with THE FINNINATOR?")

Today in the grocery store Finn asked me if he was holding up his right hand. I said yes, and then he told Brandon that he was right handed, but left toothed.

What? I asked. He explained that he is right handed, but chews his food on the left side of his mouth, so he is left toothed.


I was driving Finn to school today and he was bouncing in his seat. If any of you know him you know that my first question had to be "do you need to use the bathroom?" He did, but there was something else.

"I just can't wait to get to school. This is going to be a great day! It's Friday you know."

I know Fridays are very special because its the day they get chocolate milk for snack, so I say "Chocolate Milk, huh?"

"Yup, chocolate milk and chickens!"

His kindergarten class hatched some baby chicks from an incubator and today they were old enough to be touched. Finn proceeded to explain that they had finally started to grow some wings which was very exciting. I asked him if they could fly, thinking they probably learned that chickens don't really fly. "No." he said, "they haven't learned to fly yet, but when I get my turn to hold one I'm going to throw him up in the air to teach him to fly!"

YIKES! And he is the farm boy in the class. I talked him out of it, which is incredible since he is never wrong in his own mind. He thought it was a brilliant, and nurturing plan, to teach these poor motherless chicks how to fly.

My little sweetheart nearly suffered the fate of one of my friends who accidentaly threw their kindergarten class hamster on the floor when she got frightened of it grabbing her sweater. The hamster died, and she was branded a killer for the rest of elementary school.

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