Thursday, December 25, 2008

Finally Living the Dream

While we were in Southern California a few weeks ago Porter, Finn and I went to Disneyland. The boys have been wanting to go there for years, and I have been trying to make it happen. Finally the day came and the boys could barely contain their excitment. They were giddy, and amazed by everything they saw. They were so grateful to be there, and before we could even get down Main St. they had thanked me many times for bringing them. As we were standing in line for Space Mountian Porter looked up at me, his smile splitting his face, and said, "I can't believe we're finally living the dream!"
It was a wonderful day. Magical even. No one fought or complained. Nobody cried or begged for stuff. The boys were full of wonder, and gratitude and couldn't help expressing it. The happiest place on earth was made even happier because Aunt Wendy, everybody's favorite Aunt, came to meet us there. It was so fun to go on rides and have lunch with her. She was a great sport, and didn't even mind getting wet on splash mountain. (There is a reason the line for that ride is so short in December. BRRRRRRR!)
Our magical day was made complete by an amazing fire works show over Sleeping Beauty's castle in the evening. The fireworks were synchronized with beautiful Chrstmas music. When the fire works were over I looked over at Porter and both of our eyes were filled with tears. We just stood in the streets and hugged eachother. Just then the song I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas started playing, and it started snowing little puffs of bubbles. The air was filled with the beautiful white fluff, and people all around were ooohing and aaahing. Seriously that Walt Disney guy really knows how to direct a happy ending!

1 comment:

Chandler and Angie said...

How fun for your darling boys! You are the best mom ever!